Friday, July 29, 2011

I'll get back eventually

I had big plans to get up and run this morning (since, you know, I haven't ran but one day this week) and Amelia decided to get up 15 minutes after I laid down, and didn't go to sleep until 3:45 am. I decided that I needed more than 2 hours of sleep to function today. Maybe tomorrow? I'm hoping after this surgery that she'll sleep better and I can get up and run again.

Oh, and next week Cadence will be back home, so we'll test out if she's really serious about running with me or not. I'm curious to see how this goes.

1 comment:

  1. It's never easy when the little ones are up all night. Get out in the morning tomorrow and attack the day with an early run. You can do it! I'm so impressed that you're doing this!!
