I also had two new gadgets to use today. One is an armband to hold my iPhone, and it's the prettiest bright purple (surprise,surprise!) I found it on eBay for $5.60 with free shipping, but the snap has already broke on it. Oh well, it was cheap. It worked really well, but having something attached to my arm drove me crazy. I ended up taking it off about a mile and a half in, and am debating on if I'm going to use it anymore.
The second was the mapmyrun.com app for my phone. I liked being able to see my route, and liked that it timed me as well. However, my GPS signal was weak, so the numbers were off. It had me at 1.95 miles and a little over 17 minutes a mile, but Nike+ had me at 2.34 miles and right under 14 minutes a mile. I checked the route when I was finished, and it wasn't exactly the same as where I ran, so I'm pretty sure Nike+ is the correct one.
In other news, Sarah and I (and maybe Cecily) are planning on doing our very first mud run on September 24. I'm really really excited!
Running Recap:
Time: 6:42pm, 32:27 minutes
Distance: 2.34 miles
Pace: 13:51 per mile
Weather: Wonderful! Nice breeze, not that humid, and thunder in the distance.